
AltStoreisanappstoredesignedforsideloading.EveryappinAltStoregetsabeautifullygeneratedstorepagewithdetailedinformationtomakesideloading ...,2020年10月2日—IjustfilledupallmydetailsonAppleDeveloper,paid,loggedoutfromAltStoreandsiginagainonAltStoreapp,thenyouhavenolimit.,4天前—AltStorePALisanopen-sourceappstoremadespecificallyforindependentdevelopers,designedtoaddresstheproblemsIandsomanyothers ....


AltStore is an app store designed for sideloading. Every app in AltStore gets a beautifully generated store page with detailed information to make sideloading ...

Finally got my developer account, from now I can install ...

2020年10月2日 — I just filled up all my details on Apple Developer, paid, logged out from AltStore and sig in again on AltStore app, then you have no limit.

Introducing AltStore PAL

4 天前 — AltStore PAL is an open-source app store made specifically for independent developers, designed to address the problems I and so many others ...

Prolific developer celebrates Apple's massive EU App ...

2024年1月29日 — After Apple announced sweeping changes to third-party apps in the EU for the iPhone, AltStore's developer may be happier about it than most. - bradleytechmanAltStore-Beginners

You can only get notifications from apps you sideload by paying $99 a year to apple for a developer account. Idk how altstore can send notifications though.

The AltStore, an alternative app store coming to the EU, will ...

2024年4月1日 — The AltStore was quick to capitalize on this possibility, and last week, AltStore developer Riley Testut shared screenshots of the up-and-coming ...

Your AltStore

2024年1月19日 — Account View Apple ID information such as your name and email address, and whether your account is a paid developer account or a regular Apple ...


2023年10月10日 — 開發者解釋,AltStore的原理是使用Apple個人開發憑證給IPA簽名,AltServer再利用iTunes WiFi同步的機制,將IPA側載(sideload)到iPhone,完成APP安裝。